A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.
Smart contract auditing
A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.
The price displayed here is only a rough estimate of the cost. The actual budget varies depending on the scope of your project. Please get in touch with our team for an exact quote.
Yes. We privately send the report to your team so they can address the issues we found. Publishing the report after your team fixes the issues is optional but strongly recommended as a way to contribute to the ecosystem’s security. We can work with you on a disclosure strategy.
The report outlines potential problems in the code with actionable recommendations to guard against potential attack vectors, together with a general analysis of the system dynamics, reflecting both state-of-the-art security patterns and opportunities for improvement regarding the project's overall quality and maturity.
The date listed above is the date of delivery of the initial audit report, and once your team has resolved the findings from the initial audit report, a final audit is performed, following which you will receive the entire report and certificate. Please contact our team with the details of your project so that we can finalise the project and provide you with an exact schedule.